Naturopathy & Nutrition

Whole Alchemy Naturopathy & Nutrition

Nurturing The Mother-Women's Health Series: Part 3: Immy

In this series you will get the opportunity to meet 5 beautiful women and their babies (both earthside and inside), who I have been lucky enough to be entrusted in the role of naturopath during their pivotal stages of life. These women have kindly given me permission to share their stories with you. By sharing their stories this may evoke feelings of hope in you that the health of you or your loved ones can improve and even blossom.

In our third addition to the series, we will be meeting Immy, daughter of Penelope. When we first started working together, Immy was struggling with food allergies, reflux and irritating eczema. Her family was feeling overwhelmed with how to support her best, and upset knowing how uncomfortable she was.

What led you to seek support from a naturopath?

I first approached Katie when Immy was around 6 months to assist with her eczema and digestive discomfort. Immy had been diagnosed with reflux which wreaked havoc with not only her sleep but also her overall digestion. She was gassy, squirmy and struggled to keep milk feeds down.

As we started the weaning journey, we also discovered she suffered from a bunch of food allergies (egg & tree nuts) and would break out in hives if she consumed too many foods high in salicylates in a day.

I felt totally perplexed about what foods I should feed her (and myself), what topical creams would help & whether she needed to be taking supplements to assist with her troublesome digestive system.

How has the process with Katie been?

Katie put together a lifestyle plan for Immy & I which included: reducing eczema triggering household products and swapping them out for a more natural alternatives, giving Immy smaller and more frequent milk feeds, along with baby wearing to aid her digestion. She also prescribed both Immy and I herbs and supplements to assist with her issues.

It was such a relief to my husband and I to see her symptoms improving once implementing these changes.

How has Immy’s health, body, wellness etc. transformed since beginning her journey?

Immy is now 16 months. She is a much happier little person than when we first reached out to Katie. We are still careful about what products we use in our house (and on ourselves) however, she no longer struggles with poor digestion.  

How has incorporating a holistic naturopathic approach to fertility/pregnancy/postpartum care or to your child’s health changed your emotional or mental well-being? 

By incorporating a holistic naturopathic approach to Immy’s health, we have seen her go from a very uncomfortable and irritable baby to a relaxed and thriving toddler. We can’t thank Katie enough for all her help with Immy. There is no worse feeling than seeing your baby not living their happiest life and with Katie’s skills and knowledge, this all changed!  

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